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External intervalometer takes two shots on long intervals

#1 joshgray
Weird problem here..  I'm using a super cheap $15 external intervalometer on a Canon 6d.   I'm trying my first super-long term time lapse with 10 minute intervals between shots and it seems to be taking two shots every time.  I'm thinking this is because the camera turns off between shots since it's so long, and it somehow fires twice when powering back on.  

Anyone seen this?  Any way to fix other than using a better intervalometer?

#2 Gunther
Maybe you have set the camera to continuous shooting and the intervalometer triggers for too long? Try setting the camera to single shot.
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#3 rodrigo
Could it be that the camera is set to take, .raw and .jpg from one shot?
#4 joshgray
yeah (raw+jpg) but it creates 4 files each time...   really strange
#5 rodrigo
Hi Josh, have you try resetting your camera to default settings? I don't think it is the intervalometer as the intervalometer it is just a pair of wires attached to a time device, telling the camera at what interval to trigger the shutter.
#6 Gunther
Again, most likely the camera is set to continuous shooting. Set it to single shot.
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