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Destination folder after drag to LR incorrect

#1 windowwatcher

I have two LR catalogues. One catalogue(A) for normal photos and one JUST for timelapsing(catalogue B). 
After setting keyframes in LRtimelapse, saving and then dragging to LR I get the message that my destination folder for catalogue A isn't available when I do have the external drive for catalogue B connected. 

I have LRtimelapse 4.7.1 private. I am using LR CC 2015.3     On a macbook pro osx 10.10.2

Bottom right of the add to LR window does not have any option for directing import to any different destination.

Anyone have an idea/solution

Many thanks!
#2 Gunther
I have no idea what you are doing, but you should launch Lightroom first with the right catalog loaded. Then do the timelapse workflow.

BTW: I always find to have a separate catalog for time lapse a very bad idea. First you can mess up like this and it's just a pita to have to switch catalogues all the time. And second: while you are exporting from Lightroom (and this takes a lot of time) you have no chance to edit your stills in the other catalog in the meantime.
So do yourself a favor and use only one catalog. You can always remove old edited time lapse sequences from the Lightroom catalog, if you wish, since the edits are stored in the XMP files anyway. So you can add them back anytime again into the catalog (just by using import/add) and will have the edited sequence again in LR, like they were before.
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#3 windowwatcher
Thankyou Gunther. Good tips regarding catalogues. 

For anyone else who finds themselves with same issue. I imported one photo to my timelapse catalgoue again on the respective external hdd. Then when I added photos from LRtimelpase - lightroom then behaved normally. Seems it just needed direction on where to put photos again (perhaps I made a mistake last session with LRtimelapse and needed to retrain the software where it's meant to go)


...also check out: