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How to -exclude- exposure time from exposure interval?

#1 waldenkirsch
I’m sure this question has an easy answerSmile…. though i’m not seeing in here or in the instructions.
i’ve just received my Pro3 timer…i’m delighted…
but don’t see how to configure timelapse -interval- to exclude exposure -time-.
so…during day>night holy grail… say i’ve specified a 2 second interval.
as my exposure time increases, to say 1 sec or even 2 seconds.. how do i ensure that the -interval- remains at my specified 2 seconds?
i did a quick test without changing any config settings.. and the Pro Timer 3 seems not to be accounting for exposure time.
i know that the qDSLR Dashboard native intervalometer allows this… so i’m sure that the Pro Timer 3 does…
i just don’t see where that option is.
#2 Gunther
The interval, per defnition, is always Exposure Time + Dark Time. Please don't say "interval" to the dark time, this is wrong and leads to misunderstanding.

Usually the interval (Exposure Time + Dark Time) should be constant, even if the exposure time changes, because otherwise you would get speed changes in your timelapse.
Such changes in interval can be achieved by using the "Interval Ramping" feature deliberately, but of course you need to be aware of the resulting speed change.

In practical use for Holy Grail shooting from sunset to stars, you would start with an interval of say 5 seconds, set a maximum exposure time in qDsrdashboard of 3 seconds. Then start the ramping until the blue hour. Then, you would activate the interval ramping say to 15 seconds over 15 minutes for example and after that you could increase the maximum exposure to 13 Seconds (to stay below the 15 seconds interval).
That way, you would only have one change in speed between blue hour and stars which wouldn't be noticeable.

In contrast, if you did it like you said, the change in speed would be correlated to the exposure times, which wouldn't be predictable at all.
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#3 waldenkirsch
ahhh… got it! thanks very much gunther for the explanation/clarification.
much appreciated…
and thanks for such an outstanding product!
#4 Gunther
You are welcome!
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