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How to reverse the order the frames are played ?

#1 bilgebay
Other than renaming the files from

LRT_00001 to LRT_00312
LRT_00312 to LRT_00001 ?

Why do I need this ?

Because I discovered that when the clouds are moving towards the camera the viewer has a better feeling of the motion. Please watch the following clips to see what I mean:

Normal sequence

Reversed sequence

In the second one, you feel like you are moving towards the hills ahead....may be the following example demonstrates this better:

Sunset - Maiden's Tower

Not only the clouds of course, you may want to do this for many other reasons....

Gunther, will it be too difficult for you to implement a "Render in Reverse Order" check box in the video rendering module ?


#2 Gunther
Hi Sedat, don't know - normally you can do this with one click in the video editor you are nevertheless going to use when you put the video together, add music etc...
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#3 bilgebay
So simple, huh! I will do so then... being a newbie, I am just concentrating on producing the TL pieces now. I haven't touched the video editing yet...

Sorry for bothering you for this simple question.

...also check out: