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Lightroom preview thumbs

#1 starman99
I'm doing a 1500 frame timelapse and after I make my changes to key frames and sync the data, it takes a long time to make the changes visible in all 1500 Lightroom previews. Is it okay to not wait on Lightroom to make these changes to the preview thumbs and just save the metadata to files? Thanks!
#2 Gunther
You don't need to wait for lightroom to update the previews. This might never happen ;-)
Just look at the progress bars in Lightroom on the top left. Once they are finished, the process is done and you can continue. Ignore the previews.
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#3 starman99
Okay, great. Thanks.

Also, is it normal for a timelapse with 3,000 images to take 30 minutes or more to create visual previews in LRTimelapse 7? I'm processing this on a M1 Max MacBook Pro ssd (64GB of RAM) and the file sizes are 21 MB each? Hoping to speed this up.
#4 Gunther
The first time creating visual previews of course might take a while, especially for 3000 images. All of those images need to get developed.
On consecutive passes (like Visual Deflicker) it will be faster because LRT 7 will be using proxies then.

Make sure you have our sequences on a fast SSD.

Also 3000 images is a lot, that makes up for a clip playing over one and a half minutes. Usually no one watches that. "Normal" Clips will usually have 500-1000 images, which is also already long.
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