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Intervals changing

#1 RemyZ
Hi, I've been using LRT Pro Timer 3 for a few weeks, and I was surprised to see that the intervals were not the same from shot to shot. The difference is very small. For a 3 sec interval, I get a 2.94 to a 3.07. I was just wondering if this is common, or do I need to calibrate it or something?
#2 Gunther
How did you measure that? This might also be the camera or the exif data not being written accurately. In any case, its not relevant for the result - you'll get a smooth and even timelapse in any case. You wouldn't even notice a 50% deviance in the final video...
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#3 RemyZ
I'm reading it from LRTimelaspe 6.2 in the interval column. I'm not sure what's going on. When I do a time-lapse with the Genie Mini, I get consistent interval readings, that's the only reason I ask. I'm no real worried about it since it was so low.

Thanks for the reply. I am loving the timer.

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