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New Timelapse+ View user. Please help!

#1 PeterKeith
Hi all,
I just picked up a Timelapse+ View and tried my first holy grail the other night and once I brought the files into LRtimelapse 6 it did a great job of smoothing out almost all of the transition but unfortunately seems to have stumbled when it comes to the ISO changing. What am I doing wrong here?
Many thanks in advance for any assistance!
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#2 Gunther
This is very few information to be able to help you.
What do you mean with "stumbled when it comes to ISO changing"?
Please provide a screenshot of the curves with the Visual Previews NOT activated and more information of what you did, what you expected and what happened.
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#3 PeterKeith
Hi Gunther, thanks for taking the time to respond, apologies where to start…ok I setup the Timelapse+ to ramp day to night via shutter and then ISO. The holy grail function in LRT6 has read the changes in shutter perfectly and corrected for them even before running the deflicker. The larger steps in luminance are once the ISO starts to change. I thought this would be handled in the same manner as the shutter so the steps before deflicker would be as small as they ended up being for the shutter changes. I ran the visual deflicker at its highest level across the whole sequence with 4 passes and its certainly improved things but there is still those steps at the end. I'm now running deflicker again for only the last part of the sequence.
#4 PeterKeith
I initialised the sequence and started over. Please see the curves below. I managed to smooth out the steps at the end but only after running the visual deflicker x3 times at maximum smoothness and 4 passes. Many thanks again for your advice and apologies if I'm missing something obvious!
Attached Files
#5 Gunther
As you can see in your 2nd screenshot, LRTimelapse compensated for every camera adjustment up to the end. Every jump in the blue curve has a compensation in the orange curve.
This means, that on LRTimelapse's side everything worked perfectly and the Holy Grail Wizard worked as expected.
Why you get that residual jumps at the end, I don't know - maybe the images are over exposed, underexposed, your camera wrote inaccurate Exif Data or something else - this might happen. Remember, that the Holy Grail Wizard can only calculate based on metadata it gets. This is not necessary related to the visual appearance.
That's why you have the Visual Deflicker, which will do a visual correction until everything is smooth.
In your last screenshot you see that the Visual Deflicker managed to get the pink curve smooth, so again, here everything also worked out perfectly in LRT.

One thing I'd like to recommend is to set a reference area for deflickering, best do that at the beginning of the process, even before the holy grail wizard. I've explained how an where to set the reference area in the deflicker tutorial, please check it out!
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#6 PeterKeith
Many thanks Gunther, I better understand now! Great tutorials, keep up the awesome work.

...also check out: