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LrC unable to read metadata after modifying in LRT

#11 Gunther
Hi, I've analyzed your files and I think you might have done something wrong when editing the gradients.
Please remember that you are not supposed to remove any of the predefined gradients that LRTimelapse initializes and you should also not add additional gradients.
Working with your sequence as it's intended to be (by just using the predefined gradients and leave any unused ones alone) I don't encounter any issues.
Please try from scratch by reinitializing the sequence (Metadata/Initialize in LRTimelapse), remove it from Lightroom and do the workflow again. Let me know.

Nevertheless, I will make the metadata handling more robust in the next update, in order to prevent that such errors in the workflow lead to unreadable metadata in the future.
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#12 venti
The important thing is that it worked well without any problems in 5.6.0.
#13 Gunther
The new beta should fix this. Please try and let me know.
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#14 venti
There are no errors that cannot be read in 5.6.3 beta.
#15 Gunther
I understand that you are trying to say that with the new beta everything is alright ;-)
Good to hear that!
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