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LRTimelapse messing with capture time?

#1 pauliezmm
Hi, I think I am experiencing a bug. My workflow is as follows:

First, I load a timelapse into Lightroom, do basic pre-processing and save metadata for all frames. Here, the frames are in the correct order, as shown in the screenshot:

However, when I load the directory in LRTimelapse, there are random changes in capture times, therefore the order of the frames is broken:

I need to click Metadata -> Reload Exif-Data in order to fix this, otherwise, the resulting timelapse would be messed up:

This bug occurs only with some timelapses so I am not sure what is the cause. I am using LRTimelapse 7.0.0, Lightroom Classic 13.4 and Windows 11.

Could you please help me?
#2 Gunther
From what I can see in the screenshot, there seem to be rows with incomplete metadata.
Unfortunately I cannot see the date/time column completely, please check the entries there - LRT is set to sort by Date/Time of the images - see if the Date/Time values are ascending.

Also: did you start the workflow in LRTimelapse as it's recommended? From what you wrote, it doesn't sound like that.
You should always start in LRTimelapse, do the first workflow row and only then bring the images to Lightroom.

Please try and see if this fixes the issues. If not, please send me the log file (info menu / show log) after the problem happens.
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#3 pauliezmm
Hi Gunther, thank you for the quick answer. I tried the following:

I deleted the .lrt subfolder and all the xmp files and removed the timelapse from the Lightroom library. Then I restarted the programs and tried to import the timelapse in the LRTimelapse first. And the problem appeared again:

Some of the files had missing date and time:

However, the EXIF seems to be correct:

And when I click Metadata -> Reload Exif-Data, the timestamps are correct:

Any tips, suggestions?

P.S.: I couldn't find out how to expand the date/time column. Is there any trick to do that? Simply clicking and dragging over the column borders doesn't seem to do anything.
#4 Gunther
Can you please try 7.1 beta and see if this happens there also? https://lrtimelapse.com/download/beta

If so, please send me the log (info menu) after this happens initially? (do it as you did, clear metadifata completely (you could also use "Clear Metadata" from the menu instead of deleting the .lrt folder) - then send me the log after you see the gaps in Exif Data.
Also send me a short (!) subsequence that I might be able to use to reproduce this (zip the files and send via Wetransfer to support(at)lrtimelapse.com
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#5 pauliezmm
7.1 beta 1 behaves the same. However, it seems that the problem appears only when I load the folder for the first time. After reloading, there are no missing Exif data. I am sending the requested data now, hope that helps!
#6 Gunther
Posting my answer I gave you via email here for completeness:
I've checked your log and also loaded your sequence. And here on my system everything works fine.
However in your log I see, that the connection to ExifTool is being lost when loading exif data for some images, that explains the gaps.
Usually this shouldn't happen.
That seems to be something specific on your system. Do you have any Antivirus or "Security" Software running that might be interfering? Please add LRTimelapse (the whole folder C:\Program Files\LRTimelapse") to the Whitelist there.
If this doesn't help, go to LRTimelapse Settings / Expert Settings and reduce the number of parallel threads for ExifTool to 4. See if that helps.
Please let me know!
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