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#11 petercorb
OK Gunther In the Syrp menu there is a setting in Advanced called Move Shoot Delay.

This was set to 400ms, I changed it to 1000ms and this seems to have given qDDD the time to interact, the menu seems to works OK.

Seems to me it should be part of the normal menu and an explanation as to how it effects the other settings. Also there is another setting called Shutter Signal (units in ms again) this is set to 200ms, I did not touch this. Again there is not much info but I guess its a matter of trial and error depending on your camera model and your individual set-up.

Syrp should consider a Forum, this would help share info and assist users; just saying!

I still have the issue connecting and the connection screen, I will pursue this in the other section as I have already posted there.

Thanks again for your help Gunther
#12 petercorb
I have shot 3 sequences using my Syrp Genie and qDDB - these were day to night using the Auto Holy Grail function and a radial pan of 60degrees over 1 hour.

The max. set was 4.0secs,   iso 3200,   f22.

The interval on the genie was 8.0secs.

Each time the light reduced and approached 4.0sec shutter speed the interval changed to 16 secs.

I do not understand? There is adequate time for the camera to download, Move Shoot Move (Genie pan) trigger the shutter, within the remaining 4 secs.

Gunther you have used this device with qDDB and the Holy Grail, can you help me?


#13 Gunther
If the genie triggers only all 16 seconds, obviously the camera is still busy and not accepting every other release.
In the genie there are some times to configure, make sure to set the right times for release, delay, etc. - they will all add up and block the camera. Release should be very short (100ms) - delay maximum the longest shutter, you might try to set it even shorter, if it helps. This is more a configuration thing with the genie, since I don't have one here, it's hard for me tell you the exact settings. Check out the manual!
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#14 petercorb
Hi Gunther the release was set to 100ms - there is nothing in the manual at all.

4secs exposure with an 8sec interval should be enough time for SMS, release, and file transfer - i think?

I have asked Syrp - I cannot think of anything else at this stage.
#15 Willyao814
Any update? I'm think about getting the Genie for my motion control unit.
#16 Willyao814
the main concern is, the camera(sony nex5t) cannot receive remote control signal to trigger the camera while connecting QDDB during wifi mode, for my particular model, the camera has to be set in either remote controlled mode( IR in this case) or Wifi mode, the two cannot work together. Is this problem existing on A7? I'm afraid it is...

...also check out: