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macOS Big Sur with LRT 555 Fails to Start Render

#11 Larr2000
Here is my export setup screen.....SKIP is not selected....???
Does OVERWRITE need to be selected?
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#12 Gunther
Remove the /Contents/MacOS/ from the executable path so that it looks as in my Screenshot.
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#13 Larr2000
Yes, I see the LRT5.6.2 is in the applications folder, but when I downloaded and re-installed, the dmg has it packaged up in sub-folders: Applications/LRTimelapse.app/Contents/MacOS/LRTimelapse. I tried moving it out to MacOS, but it fails to launch.
Is there another way to remove the Contents and MacOS?

/Users/larrycunningham/Documents/Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 4.45.08 PM.png
/Users/larrycunningham/Documents/Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 4.41.51 PM.png
#14 Gunther
Sorry, but you are making it worse by messing with the file structure in the App. Maybe you are not understanding my explanations.

First of all please trash every LRTimelapse app you can find on your computer and clear the trash.

Then reinstall from the original installer.

Now copy paste the following text exactly as it is into the text field right from the label "LRTimelapse Executable" in the export dialog:

/Applications/LRTimelapse 5.app

It needs to look as in my screenshot in my last post. If you do it like this, it should work.

Normally on a fresh install of LRTimelapse, this will be set correctly automatically. To me it looks as if you have had a very old LRTimelapse 3 or 2 version installed which might have set the different path in the Lightroom Configuration.
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#15 Larr2000
Yes, I installed Timelapse+ Studio on the 24th of August, but deleted it yesterday before I did the re-install of 5.6.2
#16 Gunther
Not related.
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#17 Larr2000
Here is the executable after the re-install

/Users/larrycunningham/Documents/Screen Shot 2021-09-13 at 11.33.37 AM.png
#18 Gunther
I can't see your Screenshots if you don't attach them properly to the post.
Select full edit on your reply, then under post options you can attach images.
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#19 Larr2000
Sorry, do not have that option (full edit) for macOS Big Sur....Only Quick Reply.

Upgrade LRT 5.6.2 build 712 did not install properly, still on 5.6.1..... will try again.

/Users/larrycunningham/Documents/Screen Shot 2021-09-13 at 11.33.37 AM.png
#20 Gunther
There is quick reply (where you cannot do attachments) and there is the normal reply button bottom left of each post, which will allow attachments under "post options".
In my last post I was referring to editing an existing post, if you click on edit, you have the option "Quick edit" (no attachments) and "Full Edit" (attachments possible). It's interesting because you already attached a screenshot correctly in one of your last posts.

Now back to your problem. I'm running out of ideas how to tell you that the "path to executable" setting in your Lightroom export dialog is wrong and you just need to edit that setting. That's why I made new beta, which would auto correct the path in such a scenario. Please install: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-lrt...6-3-beta-1
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