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Move Folder (LRTimelapse Pro 6.1)

#1 Othman
Appreciate some help... I have not been able to use the "Move Folder" function in the latest upgrade (LRTimelapse Pro 6.1). Note that it was working just fine prior to the new update.

Many Thanks & Much Obliged
#2 Gunther
Nothing changed in the latest update regarding this.
To move a folder, you need to have selected none or another folder in the folder tree. You cannot move the currently loaded folder.
After doing that, right click on the folder that you would like to move, then select "Move Folder". You'll get a Directory chooser. Select the parent destination folder here where you would like the folder to be moved into.
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#3 Othman
Many thanks for the kind reply. As stated earlier, i use the Move Folder function every time, from external drive to SSD (to and fro). It's just that it is no longer working for me since the latest update.

Many thanks & warm regards
#4 Gunther
Are you saying that it still doesn't work even after you followed my advices in the last post?
If so, please give me more details. "It does not work" is not enough.
Please let me know exactly what you did and what happened. Also send the log file (info menu / show log) after the move operation failed. Maybe it's just an access problem to your external drive.
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#5 Othman
yes sir, it's still not working and i've been doing this since ver5. I don't have any logs as no errors were reported but no files/folders were moved (from ssd <--> external hard disks). I repeat, I have been doing this for some time but it stopped working since the latest upgrade (ver 6.1). In the meantime, I'm moving it via Lightroom.
#6 Gunther
I cannot help you or find the issue if you don't send me the log file after such a folder move that failed. I don't even know if you are on mac or windows.
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#7 Othman
I forgot, I'm on a Mac M1 Studio Max. I'll try to get some log files and will update this thread when I have it.

many thanks
#8 Gunther
Make sure to have full disk access allowed for LRTimelapse as described in the faq.
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#9 Othman
Hi Gunther,

I've done this part and it is still not working. However, I've figured out how to send the logfiles to you, and I've just e-mailed it to you.

many thanks
#10 Gunther
Ok, we'll continue via email for now.
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