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Weird problem when ramping down interval

#1 natfrey
This morning I ramped down my LRT PRO Timer from 34 second intervals to 8 second intervals. For some reason, after initiating the ramp down, a second shot was triggered .2 seconds after each primary shot. Please see the screen shots. This continued even after the ramp-down was completed, as you can see in the 1st screen shot. Has anyone seen this before? I just tested the PRO Timer with my Nikon D850 and it looks like it's triggering correctly now, though not the exact same settings. Might this be an issue with the camera? Wondering if this has been seen before.

The 1st screen shot shows the end of the ramp-down, 2nd is midway with the ramping, and 3rd is beginning of the ramping. You can also see at the beginning of the ramping that the intervals are especially weird. Thanks for any help.
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#2 Gunther
Do you have your camera set to continuous shooting? (CL or CH on Nikon) - then it might release a double shot. Please set the camera to Single (S) shooting mode when recording timelapse.
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#3 natfrey
OMG, you are right, thank you Gunther. The camera was set on CL, or "continuous low." It all makes sense now! Thanks again.
#4 Gunther
Glad we firgured that out! :-)
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