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QC power bank test results with Nikon D600, D750, Z6; any power bank for Nikon D750?

#1 ggtimelapse
In a search for two cheap, but reliable Quick Charge (QC) power banks for my Nikon cameras (D600, D750, Z6) I tested three powerbanks:

Power bank #1: Charmast 26800mAh Powerbank External battery Power Delivery QC 3.0 Quick Charge USB C Micro USB

Power bank #2: AXNEB Wireless Powerbank 25W PD3.0+QC4.0, 15W Wireless Charger 26,800mAh Powerbank 4 Outputs USB C External, with LCD Display

Power bank #3: QTshine Power Bank 26800mAh,PD 3.0 18W Quick Charge QC 3.0 Power Delivery 3-Ausgang & 2-Eingang Type-C

In addition: Power supply with two QC-USB-A ports:
CSL - 36W power supply 2 Port Quick Charge 3.0 - USB 6000 mA

Configurations: Powerbank (USB-A or USB-C QC-port) plus Ruideng USB meter plus QCCP-Stick (Hans Vollmer) plus EP-5B battery adapter (Made in China) in camera. Power banks fully charged. Tested with 1 sec exposure, 2 min intervall recording (to generate idle time).

With my Nikon D750 (which is known for its high power consumption), I had no success with either power bank. For comparison, the D750 worked with the CSL-36W power supply.

The results with the other cameras (Nikon D600, Z6) were similar concerning power bank performance:

Power bank #1 (Charmast) did not work with any of these cameras.

Power bank #2 (AXNEB Wireless Powerbank) and power bank #3 (QTshine Power Bank) performed almost identical on their USB-A QC and USB-C ports. They worked with the D600 and Z6. Their port (front) panels looks very similar, and I think their interior is based on almost the same components. Both #2 and #3 allowed only one QCCP-stick on their QC ports, and even addition of minor power consuming components (e.g., 5 V 0.1 A) to other ports caused QC voltage breakdown, even following Hans Vollmer's recommendation from a recent thread ("Connect the QCCP-Stick to the USB-C port via a USB-OTG adapter and the lens heater to a USB-A port"). The USB-A to USB-C OTG adapter I used was quite short on the USB-C side, and the resulting contact wasn't very reliable.

Based on this results, I cannot recommend any of these power banks for use with the Nikon D750. For the D600 and the Z6, power bank #2 (AXNEB Wireless Powerbank) and, in third place, power bank #3 (QTshine Power Bank) may be a cheap option.

Is there any power bank up to about 27000 mAh which can be used reliably with the Nikon D750? The Helpers Lab 20,000mAh Powerbank with dual USB-C PD from Hans Vollmer's comparison does not seem to be available anymore.

#2 Sheeba
Hello Günter,
I monitor the power bank market very closely to give recommendations on my website https://tlpbf.de/2021/03/11/__trashed-3/. Unfortunately, this market is always on the move. New PBs come and become unavailable after a short while. Most are cheap China products, like the ones you tested.

The problem with the D750 and the high current when triggered or Live View is well known.

With the PBs you tested, the power output (W) rating is the problem. The D750 requires a current of 3A and more when triggered. At 8.2V (QCCP stick) this corresponds to a power of 25W. Most PBs and the ones you tested can only deliver 18W and that's not enough. Specially for the D750.

On the one hand, my recommendation is this PB
Cheap only 15,000 mAh but 60W. In my opinion this should be more than enough for your application to record many hours of timelapse.

I have recommended this PB to many D750 users and they are all happy with it.

But if you need more capacity to maybe operate a lens heater at the same time, my recommendation would be this:

identical in construction but also under a different name:

#3 ggtimelapse
Hello Hans,

thank you for your valuable response and for your recommendations!

I assume that the QCCP stick can provide enough power for the D750.

From your writing I assume that both the cheap and the expensive power bank you mentioned here can handle the D750 plus another camera (Z6 or D600) simultaneously (each via a QCCP-stick). is it also possible to attach the D750 plus a 12 V device like a BFM Pine R slider controller? Or could one even attach three of these devices simultaneously?

Do you regularly update your power bank web page with your latest findings? Please check: the link you provided (https://tlpbf.de/2021/03/11/trashed-3/) gives an error and does not lead directly to such a page.

Thank you again for providing all this information!

#4 mopperle
Hello Hans, I think the time has come to translate your great post on Gunthers Blog regarding QCCP and powerbanks from german to english. Wink

#5 mopperle
@Günter: Hans link to his website contained a typo, correct one is https://tlpbf.de/2021/03/11/__trashed-3/

#6 Sheeba
Hello Günter,
the QCCP stick "only" transmits the voltage and current to the camera.
The power bank must be designed for the required power for the D750. The two proposed ones have both been successfully tested with the D750.

On the ArcPower, you can operate a camera and the BFM Slider at the same time. However, you will need a QCP stick 12V for the slider.

The Litionite or Krisdonia has a DC output with 12V on which you can operate the slider directly. In addition, you can operate devices on all USB ports.

The powerbank info on my website has not been updated for some time. The problem is the usually short availability of the power banks.

#7 Sheeba
Hello Otto,
Gunther's blog is german. It is his decision which language is used.
But with Google and co. Is it no problem to translate the text into another language?
Thanks for correcting my link.

#8 mopperle
Of course one can translate it (best translator by far is deepl.com). It is really helpfull to point users to his german website but non native speakers are sometimes very reluctant when pointed to site that needs to be translated and videos can not be translated at all. But this is another story. Fortunately not a problem for me.

#9 rodrigo
Hi Hans, here we go again SmileSmile, so far the power banks I am using work fine the only niggle I have is that from time to time they tend to switch off automatically, is there a PB that doesn't have this feature, or it has a longer switch/power off time when idle?

kind regards,

#10 Sheeba
Hi Rodrigo,
which power banks do you use again? And I assume that you are using the QCCP stick.

...also check out: