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Question on batch-workflow and Auto Transitions

#1 aksel.gresvig
Hi Gunther!

After looking into the new folder-level batch tools correctly, I see it is now possible to render visual previews for all sub-directories (among other things). But how do I apply Auto Transitions in batch?

Say I finished my keyframe editing in LR, and now want to batch generate visual previews for all sequences. First I need to create auto transitions, but how is that done on folder-level?

Thanks in advance
#2 Gunther
You cannot apply auto transitions in batch because it wouldn't really make sense. Please check out my "Multiple Sequence Editing" Tutorial on https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/
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#3 aksel.gresvig
Thanks for replying.

OK, I see. I'll follow this sequence-by-sequence batch workflow then.

What is then the purpose of doing batch-generation of Visual Previews on a folder level, if one cannot first create transitions?

...also check out: