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#1 niccoc1603
I have a holy Grail sequence from sunset to milky way. Frame is 2/3 sky and 1/3 foreground. No significant clouds in the sky.

I am wondering whether I should use or not a reference area and if this should change when the MW appears in the sky.

#2 Gunther
Normally I'd try without reference area (full image reference). Only if you have changes in some parts of the image, that you wouldn't like to affect the reference for deflickering, I'd set one and leave that parts out. It really depends on your sequence.
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#3 niccoc1603
Thank you. What would it generally be an area that I I don't want to affect deflickering?
#4 Gunther
For example, if you have a traffic-light in one corner of the image flashing, you wouldn't want the deflicker to take this into account - that's why you would create a reference area that doesn't cover the traffic light. Otherwise, deflicker would try to compensate for that flashing light and introduce flicker to the rest of the image.
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#5 niccoc1603
Ok now it's clear, so for instance in a city scenario with traffic and lights it's always recomendable to set a reference area on the sky.

Is it possible to set a reference are only for a portion of the sequence?
#6 Gunther
You can set different reference areas to dfferent frames, then they will get animated. But normally this is not necessary.

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