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#1 Tompics
Dear Gunther,
since long time I am waiting for a button to select where to put my rendered Sequence. It is standard that it's on the same path as the exported single frames - but as I'm having many TIFFs (usually over 10000) the SSD-space sometimes is limited. In those cases I'd prefer not to type in manually some new paths (and type in some errors), but to have a select button like for the sequence. I was hoping for it in LRT7 - since it's not there I'm asking for it now.
Thank you for your amazing work!
Best from Austria,
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Once of the concept of LRTimelapse is to have the Output folder hold the exported intermediate files and the video files. This makes file and folder handling so much easier. To separate those would be a major change. I will move your request to the feature request forum, let's see what others say.
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#3 Tompics
Thanks for your answer! I'll keep my hope for the future then.
It would also be an option to have it in the same folder as standard setting - but with the possibility to change it easily. Best! Thomas

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