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LRTimelapse 7 Beta 8 crashes upon launch

#1 starman99
No love here yet. MacBook Pro M1 Max, 64GB, 110 GB disk space available. I have a NAS mounted as a drive also. It crashes right after it shows Creating Table. Please let me know how I can help. Thanks. Rick
#2 Gunther
Restart your computer, make sure you have the latest beta https://lrtimelapse.com/beta/ installed.
Also check that you have full disk access allowed:

Launch it again, and if the problem happens again, please send me the log file, it in Documents/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse.log
You can send it via email to support(at)lrtimelapse.com
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.
#3 starman99
Same problem after enabling Full Disk Access for Adobe DNG Converter (LRTimelapse 7 already had it). Sent log file. Thanks!
#4 Gunther
I'm not sure if I received your log. Please try Beta 9 and send the log again, if the issue persists.
Send to support(at)lrtimelapse.com
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.

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