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D-750 Settings from Daylight to Milky Way

#1 hztgw6

Could you tell me what interval, maximum ISO, shutter speed you are using when shooting from daylight to the milky way using the D-750. The lens I would be using is the 2.8 Nikkor 14-28 mm.


#2 Gunther
I Mostly use maximum exposure of 16 seks, 20 seks interval, open aperture and ISO depending on whats needed, up to 6400 for the Milkyway.
Before I just ramp, with my 3-way technique, explained here, http://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/true-hol...o-ramping/ I can start ramping with rather closed aperture, ISO 50 and corresponding shutter time.
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#3 hztgw6
I read the 3 way ramp tutorial, and this was the main reason I bought the D-75 and am looking forward to the time lapse results. I just was not sure if I could expose the milky way correctly using a shorter than 25 sec shutter at 2.8.

Thanks for clarifying.


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