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Strange color cast problem

#1 natfrey
I can't figure out why sudden color cast changes are happening on some of my sequences. Please see attached GIF, hopefully it helps in troubleshooting this. Deflicker wasn't applied yet in example, though the problem was still there after I ran Visual Deflicker. Something like this happened a month or so ago as camera's white balance was set on auto. But WB here was not on auto.
Thanks for any help.
Attached Files
#2 Ulli
Typically I would suggest to not use dehaze, blacks and that stuff but the difference is really tremendous. Remarkably at a HG-Keypoint - is it the only color change in the sequence?
#3 natfrey
Thanks Ulli. There are several other color changes in the sequence similar to this one, and they don't necessarily fall on the HG-Keypoints. I will try again later with not such extreme use of dehaze and blacks, etc., or not using these color tweaks all to see if I can isolate the issue.
#4 Gunther
Please make sure to watch my Expert Tips Video #5 for some explanation about why this happens and what to do about it: https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/expert
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#5 natfrey
Thank you, Gunther. That video helped me find the source of the color caste problem: using Dehaze in LR! It's very interesting to learn these advanced tricks, the difference between contextual and linear editing, etc.

...also check out: