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B8: Watch preview during visual preview creation

#1 bfortin04
I have a Macbook Air 2020 with M1 chip and am trying out LRT6 beta 8 with the ARM option. I have always enjoyed being able to watch the preview video as the visual previews are being created. However, I am running 8 threads and 8 threads and the program slows down too much and I can't watch the preview until all of the visual previews have completed. Is there something I am missing here? Does the faster visual preview creation come at the cost of watching the preview?

Also, I noticed that in the preferences, I can no longer decide the size of the frames of the preview. Can you fill in some info regarding this change?

I was initially excited to load LRT6, as the initial load time is considerably shorter and the new version seems to be so much better. I love this program and I appreciate everything you've done with developing this software!
#2 Gunther
You are right. The playback was lagging because it updated the new histogram while playing. This will be fixed in the next beta.
I've removed the preview size because, it mostly caused confusion and could lead to misconfiguration. LRTimelapse will now auto set the preview size.
Thanks for your report!
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