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unable to export

lrtimlapse executable, not be found-please configure the path above.  I have made an output path but have no idea what to do.  I'm not even sure i got all the installation done right. even though i can run all the edits through lr time-lapse and lightroom. My workaround is Exporting through slideshow from some other plugging. Help! P.s. thanks for making this its amazing I'm new to time lapses  but they are so awsome to make and watch.
#2 Gunther
It's not the output path - it's the setting above in the LRTExport dialog, where you configure the path to the LRTimelapse executable. Normally it is set to the right path by default, maybe you removed it incidentally.

This is, how it looks on windows, it points to "C:\Program Files (x86)\LRTimelapse 4\LRTimelapse.exe"
[Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2088...Export.jpg]

On Mac its "/Applications/LRTimelapse 4.app", just use the select button to locate it.
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i am far from good with computers. so it says "/Applications/LRTimelapse 4.app" but when i hit select and go to applications i can't find lrtimlapse anywhere it is in my tool bar though i searched with the magnify glass and don't see it? also under user presets there is nothing. sorry
#4 Gunther
Okay, please download LRTimelapse 4.6 again from http://lrtimelapse.com/download
Open the Archive and launch the "remove LRTimelapse" script. You have to enter your admin password.
Then install LRTimelapse again. Now it should work. Make sure that the LRTimelapse app stays in your "Applications" folder.
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Sad --> About Export Error
2019-08-17, 18:52
Last Post: Gunther

...also check out: