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Unable to Render in LRT 5?

#1 CinemaDP@icloud.com
I am unable to Render Video in LRT 5?

"Cannot export from Collection" and the Export button is Grayed out?  I made a folder on the desktop to put the files but nothing. I have included a screen grab of the dialogue box. Never had this problem in LRT 4?

Mike Carmine
New York NY
#2 Gunther
It was never a good idea to export from a collection. Make sure that you have selected the Folder with the images, not a collection on the left in the tree like "Previous Import"-Collection.
To do that, the easiest ist to Right click on one of the images and "Go to Folder in Library".
I explain this in the basic tutorial as well.
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#3 CinemaDP@icloud.com
Same issue for me

An internal error has occurred: bad argument #1 to '?' (string expected, got nil)
#4 Gunther
It's fixed in 5.0.1. Please download and install.
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.
#5 hoth
I am having a similar issue. My first two exports went well. My Windows Laptop did an update and I have not been able to export since. I select "Go to folder in library", but I get the "You can not export a time lapse from a collection" message.
#6 Gunther
Make sure, that your timelapse sequence is in a single child folder. No other folder inside. Make sure to really have selected the folder in Lightroom, not any collection. Then try again. If it still doesn't work, please send a screenshot of the Lightroom window.
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