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Unattended holy grail

#11 teamcary
Thanks for the reply. If you don't mind, could you detail how you do the connection? Is it USB or wifi? If wifi, if you wouldn't mind describing the specific steps, that would be really helpful. I'm probably just doing something wrong.
#12 teamcary
For anyone who finds this post later, I thought I'd post an update in case it helps. With my R6II, I've never been able to get a really solid connection for QdslrDashboard, even after quite a bit of experimentation. I made it work with a USB connection, but it wasn't 100% reliable. I successfully did a couple of timelapses, but had several others attempts fail when the connection was lost. I swapped cables and tried different devices (tablet, phone), all with the same symptoms. With wireless, I had even less success. I could only get a connection to work - occasionally - by using Canon's Camera Connect app first to establish a wifi connection to the phone, then subsequently staring up QdslrDashboard . But again it was extremely spotty, and even when established, I never made it though an entire timelapse without having the connection drop. I have reached out to Zoltan and he responded initially. If I ever make any more progress, I'll post it here. But for now I'm considering the use of QdslrDashboard far to unreliable to be a useable answer for me. I'll continue to mostly do manual timelapses, and when I need to leave one completely unattended, I'll use Aperture Priority with bounded ISO.
#13 McTimelapser
@teamcary - when you shoot this way, are you able to use the Holy Grail Wizard since you weren't in M mode?

I did a mostly-unattended timelapse this evening using shutter priority to ramp the f-number down along with a few manual boosts of the ISO as it got darker, but I don't have an option to use the Holy Grail Wizard, I assume because I was in Tv mode rather than M... Also LRTimelapse doesn't make any detection of changing settings (ie., no orange arrows in the sequence).

...also check out: