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#11 Gunther
If you get the "collection" error you can be quite sure, that you have selected a collection instead of the original folder. Just right click on an image and choose "go to folder in library". Then select the whole sequence and export again via LRTExport.

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#12 MindStormPhoto
I have exactly the same error. Have never successfully done a render from Lightroom Classic CC. I am very definitely in the library, and not in the collection (last import). This happens every single time I get to this step, which completely prevents me from letting LRT work.

A screenshot can be seen here -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/g0lzssyel2s3c1...m.png?dl=0
#13 Gunther
That's indeed strange. Please provide a screenshot of the export dialog, before you hit on export and get that message.
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#14 MindStormPhoto
Aha! You just solved the problem just by asking a question! Smile

I have set up about 3 dozen export scripts in LR, and when I export, I just right-click and choose it out of the long menu. That is what I was doing here too. I did right-click and chose "LRT JPG, 4K" -- and it failed.

When I opened the export dialog to look at it and shoot your requested screenshot, I discovered that the output path was set to a location that no longer exists.  I corrected that path, and then LRT worked flawlessly!

So... the "problem" was really that the error message given was wrong, and led me (and maybe others in this thread with the same error message problem?) to the wrong conclusion.  I would like to request a "bug fix" that checks for that output path existing, and then gives a proper error message, letting the user know what is really the problem (and how to fix it).

Thanks for your help on getting me to look at that dialog!
#15 Gunther
Glad you sorted it out. From my experience, using the right click direct route does not work with LRTExport. I'd suggest to always use the Export Button and then check the dialog, otherwise you might get other problems also.
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#16 Johan Faasen
Sorry but can anybody explain to me how to start a new post - or could anybody help me i get the following message after my 3rd or 4th successful export out of Lightroom i now get the message - COULD NOT WRITE TO THE INTERFACE-FILE. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE FOLLOWING PATH IS ACCESSIBLE AND WRITABLE. ...\DOCUMNETS/LRTIMELAPSE/LRTINTERFACE....
#17 hawaii7007@gmail.com
I’m having the same error and can’t seem to figure out why or how to fix it. Did you have any luck?
#18 hawaii7007@gmail.com
I have a brand new 5 TB hard drive but I’m getting the same error message. I followed every instruction on the forum and believe I’m exporting my files correctly. I made sure my files and folders are named properly, I restarted my computer and then it worked for two time lapses in a row then after that I got the error message again. I changed nothing and did nothing different. Any reason why I’d be getting this message? I usually edit in light room then export from the main folder into LRtime lapse. I also have the latest DNG converter installed. I am out of ideas and desperately need some help. Thank you!
#19 Vlaak
Responding in case someone sees this in the future. This often happens to me. It happens when I do a non-LRTimelapse export (hard disk option) from the library, then later, try to export an LRTimelapse sequence (using Export Time Lapse option). In this case, LR defaults the export dialog to the option you last used, which is not "Export Time Lapse." When you then switch it over to "Export Time Lapse" you'll find the "Name of the sequence" field will be greyed out.

The solution is to start an export with the forced name (forced because it is greyed out), which will default to the name of the folder the images are in. You can stop the export once it starts or let it finish. Then, after that export, when you try to kick off another export, LR will default to the Export Time Lapse option instead (since that is the last export type used), and the field will be enabled as normal.
#20 Gunther
You should always use one of the LRTimelapse presets on the left to switch to LRTimelapse export, don't just change the dropdown at the top.
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