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New to LRTimelapse-How to speed up the video

#1 igigigigig
Even after reading the docs I can't figure out this basic question

I just finished a timelapse shoot of a plant growing. I have created a folder with 10000 JPEG files and imported it into LRTimeLapse. Problem is that the video is 10 minutes long now. How can I speed this up to maybe 2 minutes? Is there an option to skip every nth frame or something similar?
#2 Gunther
Yes, in the edit menu you can find the "select every nth feature". Select every 5 th for example (leave offset at 0), then edit/"invert selection".
Now right click on one of the selected images and "remove images". This will move them to a folder with suffix "_REMOVED" (that way you could restore them later).
Now your sequence has every 5th image only left.

A more advanced way would be the filters for long term. There is a special tutorial about those in the advanced tutorials section. But those require a pro license.
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