Vote for Features!
Please use the star-rating-system to vote for the features you would like to have implemented.
This will help me to get an idea how important a feature request is for the majority of the users.

LRTimelapse 7 - Feature requests

New Preview Window
Last Post: Gunther made 2023-02-21, 23:51
New Deshaker
Last Post: mopperle made 2023-05-17, 19:48
New NVIDIA's AI tech
Last Post: Gunther made 2023-06-09, 22:37
Last Post: Gunther made 2023-07-22, 20:19
New Filter by Shutter/ISO
Last Post: Gunther made 2023-11-26, 10:57
New CHDK-RAW Support
Last Post: H29- made 2011-09-12, 11:07

...also check out: