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“True Holy Grail” – 3-way auto ramping for time lapse

#1 D_Ng
May I just seek clarification if the PC Sync Cable connecting the Nikon D810 with Emotimo should be a 2.5mm jack plug instead ?

The link provided is for
3.5 mm to Male Flash PC Sync Cable 14-Inch Coiled Cord with Screw Lock Suitable for Nikon

Just want to sure before ordering.

By the way would this new 3-ways auto ramping also work for Nikon Df ? Would qDslrdashboard be able to control the ISO setting on Df as well because it is set by rotating dial manually.

Thanks in advance.
#2 Gunther
You are right, I've changed the link. This is the right cable.
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#3 D_Ng
Hello Gwegner,

May I ask do I need to turn-off all power save mode and etc on iPhone, iPAD and MacBook when running qDslrDashboard ?

I just want to make sure how to avoid breaking the connection between the device and the camera. I am connecting with router as well.

Look forward to your further information.

#4 Gunther
Afaik Zoltan is working on a way to prevent this, but if the connection breaks, you should turn off the power save and leave the screen on, it's the safest way. On Android meanwhile the app survives the standby.
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#5 magges
Maybe this is the first step for Canon Users with Magig Lantern:
Full-resolution silent pictures
#6 D_Ng

If I used Nexus 7, can I let the device in power save mode or just close the cover to save power and re-open the qDslrDashboard every now and then to check the histogram?

I also find out that my D810 seems to use more battery when running in slave mode to trigger the TB3. Any recommendation to save power consumption please?

In your video the Rhino + TB3 work even at 45 degree but I can set up to work properly below 30 degree roughly. When TB3 move to new position it slide back down and can't hold the position. I had set TB3 to have continuous power during "Programme".

Any advise please ?
#7 Gunther
Yes, you put the nexus screen off via the power botton, qDDB will continue running. Just make sure you always use the latest version of qDDB from dslrdashboard.info.

Maybe the motor of your slider is not strong enough, for verical moves you should use a motor with 1:27 gearbox.
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#8 Gunther
@Magges that sounds interesting, please keep us posted, if you have some experiences with this technique!
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#9 D_Ng
Hello Gwegner,

I have brought the Rhino bundle with TB3 so it should come with 1:27 motor already. I can run at inclined angle if using TB3 to trigger the camera and TB3 stay in inclined position and no problem in moving up progressively.

However when I use external trigger mode with qDslrDashboard with a PC sync cable, the TB3 will slide down when set at same inclination.

I have set the Aux Motor to "Always" already.

What else should I set in order to run external trigger mode at inclined position ?

Look forward to you advice. Thanks in advance.

#10 Gunther
Hm, this is interesting, I wouldn't have expected the sync mode to behave differently in terms of motor powering.
I'd suggest you ask the EMotimo support, since they are the ones who might have the answers.
Normally a powered 1:27 motor goes easily vertically even with a heavy camera.
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