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Animating Crop / Premiere Elements

#1 sclark
My first attempt to animate crop with LrTimelapse 3.3 resulted in a bunch of images being left out of the sequence when it was rendered.
I have seen the many times you have said to avoid animating the crop until post, here's my problem: I use Premiere Elements 12 to do post video processing. It does not appear to support 3k or 4k resolution. I need to animate the crop in LrTimelapse if possible. Can it be done if aspect ratio is locked and I avoid cropping on the edge of the image?

Cropping and animating crops in LrTimelapse was one of my favorite features!

Any other suggestions?
Thank you!
#2 Gunther
The problem is that Lightroom will round to full pixels on export and expecially when you scale, the resulting exported images might have slightly different sizes. There is nothing I can do about it. The new encoder now don't like that and stops rendering if it finds different image sizes.
You might try it - make sure to have the aspect ratios fixed and avoid changing image dimension - but I cannot guarantee that it will work, sorry.
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#3 sclark
Thanks Gunther, I tried exporting as 4K and editing in Premiere Elements. It does work, sort of. Probably my hardware which is fine editing 1080p resolution, seems to be choking up on editing the 4K. After several restarts and cautious use of the Premiere pan & zoom tool, I was able to render a 1080p clip successfully. Is this issue with animated cropping all due to changes in LR 5? I did not notice any problem with pan & zoom with animated crop, when using LR 4 with LrT 2. If solution comes up later, please post a notice here.
Thanks very much! Have fun in Patagonia!
#4 Gunther
Yes it's due to the new render engine. But fortunately this is the only small sacrifice, otherwise the new rendering is way better.
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