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day week timer and LRTimelapse intervalometer

#1 CharlesMvg
I made your intervalometer and it works fine. Now i'm trying to put a timer clock on the arduino board
Adafruit TPL5110 Low Power Timer Breakout The reason I need a timer is that I like to do long term
timelapse. In that way I can stop the intervalometer during the night and weekends f.e
Do you think that I can connect the scratch from that timerclock together with the scratch
from your intervalometer? I'm not that good (yet) in arduino software.
I'm building a independent long term timelapse box with salar arduino yout intervalometer
batteries P computer and HrdDsk. Do you have any idea how to combine your intevalometer with the timer
#2 Gunther
Should be possible, but I'm really sorry, I haven't it done and I'm afraid cannot help with this.
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