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Doesn't hold the charge anymore

#1 Fred-L
I purchased the LRTimelapse Timer Pro 2.5 in 2019 and today it is no longer holding the charge
I put it on charge overnight and in the morning the battery icon displays "full" but when I unplug it and turn it off, 24hrs later with no use the battery gets completely depleated
I performed a firmware upgrade following the instructions on the web site but nothing helps.

Is it dead?
#2 Gunther
It's possible that the rechargeable battery is just worn out. The cheapest option you have, is to try to exchange it by yourself. You can find how to disassemble the LRT PRO Timer and the name of the battery in the manual (near the bottom). You should be able to source it at any electronics store or online.
Make sure to also exchange the button cell for the real time clock.
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#3 Fred-L
Thank you, Gunther for the response, I must say I am impressed by the design!
For the rechargeable battery I found this :
I Assume I will need to recover the foam pad from the old battery and stick it to the new one
#4 Gunther
Yeah, that looks good. Maybe you don't need the foam pad at all, it was used in the 2.5 to prevent the battery from rattling in the case. But sure, just peel it off and reuse it, if necessary.
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#5 Fred-L
**No good**
I received the new batteries and installed them. Put everything back together and pluged the timer for charging overnight.
Everything looked good, the battery icon finnaly displayed fully charged and I tested the timer unpluged.

1 day later, I turn it on but it remains dead. I plug it in and the battery icon displays empty!
#6 Gunther
I think then you would ship the item to us (Germany) to check it out.
Please send me an email support(at)lrtimelapse.com with your postal address and the short error description then I will open up a support case.
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#7 Fred-L
I just sent an email summarizing the issue
#8 Gunther
Great, thanks!
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