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Question about additional brush masks in Masking 2.0

#1 identitaet
Hello there,

I have a question about the usage of the Mask 2.0 update. I read the documentation and watched the video introduction. I remember the "old" version had the option to add additional brush masks. LrTimelapse was able to animate the masking settings for these brushes. It looks like this feature is not supported anymore.

Background information: On the old version, I often used the brush to mask specific objects and alter the exposure settings. For example the sky in a night timelapse to adjust the settings there. Can you recommend another way to achieve this, ideally without touching the pre defined masks? Or is the only way to use the pre defined mask, adjusting the shape and then animate the exposure settings?

Thanks for your help with this!
#2 Gunther
You can do that with the current version and the current "Masks 2.0" in Lightroom classic as long as you use the predefined masks that LRTimelapse creates.
For any mask in Lightroom, you can add mutliple "selectors" in Lightroom, which can be linear, circular, brush etc. selectors.
LRTimelapse adds one default selector (linear / radial) per mask. For these predefined selectors, the position is animated. For the whole mask the parameters of the mask (edits like exposure, shadows, highlights etc.) will be animated.
This means, you can add additional selectors like brushes and the main parameters will be animated. Only the position of such additional selectors will not be animated.
However, it's really important that you add the additional mask selectors on the very first frame of the timelapse and sync them across the keyframes as you edit. The structure (amount of masks and selectors) cannot change between keyframes.
I hope this explains it.
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#3 identitaet
Hello Gunther,

thank you for your feedback and the explanation, that's very helpful.

Just to double check: Adding any additional mask is not possible, right?
#4 Gunther
You should also be able to add an additional mask, where you do all settings/edits on the very first frame. It needs to be the uppermost mask after all the masks that LRT initialized. This should also be taken over. Please try it.
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