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Is there a way to dim the display?

#1 starman99
I have LRTimelapse Pro 3 Timer and do a lot of night photography. The display is super bright. Is there a way to dim it? Thanks!
#2 Gunther
The LRT PRO Timer is specifically designed to be used for astro photography. Just rotate the knob while shooting and it will offer two dimmer modes - one with only limited display and one where you only see one pixel whenever a shot is released. This is also explained in the manual ;-) https://lrtimelapse.com/lrttp/manual
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#3 starman99
Okay, great. So it's not really dimming the light, it's just displaying less information and thus doesn't project as much light overall. I see that one position on it is no display which is great. It would be fantastic on a future version, to have a dimmable display so that all info could be shown and read at night. For now, I'll just put a red filter over the screen. Thanks!
#4 Gunther
That kind of OLED doesn't allow for real percentage "dimming" and also I found it perfect to do it this way - the full information is only a rotation away, and while shooting, I only need the tiny pixel to see that something is still happening.
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#5 starman99
Understood and good idea. Thanks for the followup.
Photo --> Display crooked?
2020-10-12, 03:04
Last Post: Evan

...also check out: