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#11 cmarentis
Thanks again for your response. I terminated every other process, even Microsoft defender (LRT 6 folders and files already in the exclusion settings) and re checked the catalog XMP setting again, still off. Nothing else is running but I still get he same behavior. No idea what else to do.
#12 Gunther
I saw in your video that you had generate smart previews on in the import dialog, maybe try turning that off.
Another thing you could try is to reset the lightroom classic settings to their defaults.

To do so, hold down Alt and Shift (Windows) / Opt and Shift (Mac) while opening Lightroom. You’ll be asked whether to reset the preferences. The timing is important: hold them down while clicking/double-clicking on the app/shortcut.

The problem is not any bug in LRTimelapse or a wrong workflow. It's also nothing that others are reporting. That's why I think it must be something on your computer interfering.

Also double check the Date/Time setting on your computer.
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#13 cmarentis
Hi Gunther,
I did everything you asked and I even re installed Lightroom and LRT again. Still the same, no change. I stopped every process and program running in the PC and still the same. This problem started when I upgraded from LRT 5 to LRT 6 and I havent installed any other programs on the PC... anything else I can do?
#14 Gunther
Do you have another computer where you could try this, this would allow us to figure out if it's the files or if it's something on the computer.
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#15 cmarentis
unfortunately no.
#16 Gunther
Can you try the latest beta? https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Forum-lrti...-beta-test
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#17 cmarentis
same thing Gunther. No improvement
#18 Gunther
This doesn't seem to be a LRTimelapse problem, no other users are reporting anything similar.
If the timestamps of your images are not in the future (unfortunately I cannot see this in your videos), something on your computer must be altering the metadata, otherwise LRT wouldn't keep regenerating the visual previews.
Maybe setting up windows from scratch could be an alternative, sorry but I'm running out of ideas.
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2023-08-31, 16:29
Last Post: Gunther

...also check out: