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persist and re-use visual deflicker settings for new sequences

#1 brian_in_the_cloud
This feature request is to have new image sequences start up with the same visual deflicker settings as the last edited sequence, including the smoothing, accuracy, the setting of the multi pass flag, and the number of max passes.

Additionally there could be a flag in preferences/settings to turn this off if it really annoys somebody.

I rarely change any settings here besides sometimes smoothing. I almost always run with 'more' accuracy, and max. passes set to 12.

Currently for a new image sequence the visual deflicker settings appear to be hardcoded.

I don't think this should apply to the defined reference area for deflickering, as that's image sequence dependent more than the other values.

Each sequence remembers deflicker values in its lrtsequence.properties, this request is to have LRTimelapse write to an additional, more global place every time these deflicker values are updated in any sequence's properties file, overwriting any previous value.

Then when a new sequence is setup, use these as the default deflicker values.

Another option would be to add default deflicker options in the settings menu, but that's less than ideal IMO.
#2 Gunther
That's a good idea.
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#3 Ulli
Just thought on this too ;-)
#4 Gunther
This is already implemented in LRT6.
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