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Pro Timer 3 missing shots when viewing images

#1 Yaoz
I am using Pro Timer 3 with firmware 3.0 on A7SIII. AF is disabled on the camera and everything else on the timer is in default setting.

I am having a dealbreaking issue where if I examine the image in camera right after it's taken to see the histogram, when the timer is up, the timer will only trigger the camera to quit the image review screen and not actually trigger the shutter. This leads to missing shots.

I have tried both mechanical and electronic shutter to no avail.
#2 Yaoz
Update: I found the solution, which is to increase the release time to at least 500ms. I didn't expect it needs to be this high on these cameras. But so far the dark time is still much shorter than my regular intervalometer which is good!
#3 Gunther
This seems to be specific with your camera, I've never experienced that with any Nikon. Usually as soon as the camera gets a release signal it quits everything else and takes the shot!
But I'm happy you could figure out a solution. That's the reason, why the LRT PRO Timer is so configurable! :-)
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#4 Yaoz
Update: Even though changing the release time to 500ms helped with the missing shot issue mostly, the camera can still miss shot occasionally if I "scroll" to other images in image preview when the timer reaches 0. For this though I think there is no solution at the moment (unless bumping the release time to crazy high like regular intervalometers) as this seems to be due to the poor programming on the camera. It seems to ignore the trigger signal if there are other tasks in the process, such as loading images from sd card and displaying the histogram, or that the shutter released is not executed immediately. Sony should not have let these trivial tasks taking over the thread and losing something as important as a shutter release. Sigh. I guess I will have to stick to the failsafe method of not checking the images while shooting time lapse.
#5 Gunther
Yeah, I'd also recommend to leave the camera alone then. You might also want to check your memory card - using a faster one might also help to reduce stress on the camera.
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#6 Cymro
I had the same issue on my Canon R6, R5 & R6 Mk11, if I was reviewing an image when the intervalometer reached zero it would stop the review and switch back to the main screen but would not trigger a shot. I fixed this with increasing the release time to 500ms, now it interrupts the review and shoots a new shot, just what I wanted :-). My R6 SD cards are 120MB/s with the R6Mk11 ones being 200MB/s and the R5 having CF Express (1785MB/s) and 300MB/s SD.
#7 Yaoz
I am afraid that's not the cause, as I am shooting with the fastest CF express Sony cam can have..
#8 Yaoz
Cymro, does your solution on Canon also changes your interval timing to a +- 0.2 s deviation from the set interval? I found this out in LRTimelapse that not all my images are shot with perfect 10second interval I set, some with 9.9, 9.8, or even 9.5 once, even though they were all triggered by the timer...
#9 Gunther
Small deviation in the intervals are nothing to worry about. That can also be related to how the camera write the timestamps. You'll never notice this in the final result.
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