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Problems with holy grail on 3.4.1

#1 soktober
I am having issues with holy grail sequences on 3.4.1. After initializing the sequence, going to the keyframe wizard and selecting the images were taken using DSLRDashboard (which they were), then selecting holy grail wizard, it is making portion of the images a -5.00 exposure (under exposure 2012). When this happens they cannot be offset to be raised.

If I do the same thing with the same holy grail shot with version 3.4 it works just fine.

Any ideas why I am seeing this in 3.4.1 and not 3.4?

(both versions have the threshold for holy grail exposures set to 0.1)

Thank you for any help.
#2 Gunther
Can't you use the offset and rotation sliders to bring the curve near the center?
Please post a screenshot of the preview panel.
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#3 soktober
The offset and rotate does not changed these values. I am also getting really bad flicker in the holy grail keyframes.

Thanks for looking at this.

Attached Files
#4 soktober

Here is a screenshot of how version 3.4 is calculating the exact same sequence.

All of the settings between version 3.4 and 3.4.1 are the same.

Thank you for any help.
Attached Files
#5 Gunther
The behavior of 3.4.1 is correct. The adjustments are way to close to each other, if you have adjacend adjustments without any frames with constant aperture/iso/shutter inbetween it's not possible to get a nice and smooth transition afterwards. You should always let qDlsrDashboard leave at least 2 or 3 frames inbetween each adjustments. There is a setting in the Settings dialog of the LRT screen in qDDB to control this. Normally, if the intervals aren't too long such frequent adjustments do not happen.

You probably won't get a perfect result with neither of the 2 versions because of the adjustments being too close. Like I said, I've changed the calculation a bit inbetween 3.4 and 3.4.1 - the latter is the one that will in most cases deliver the better results. But in your case there is no room to compensate for the natural light changes inbetween the adjustments, thus the problems.

You could try doing it with 3.4, then export the sequence, load the intermediary JPGs again in LRTimelapse and do a deflicker on those. That will probably the best option to try and save the sequence.
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#6 soktober
Thank you Gunther. I have been setting the correction frame to one frame in qDDB. I'll extend that out and lower the reference value a little to get more images between exposure corrections.

...also check out: