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Slider settings

#1 rodrigo
Hi fellow lapsers, just wanted to ask for slider setting that you can use, I realize that it depends on the subject of the timelapse, but I would like to start the ball rolling. Intervals, length of timelapse, camera settings etc,etc,etc.

Kind regards, Rodrigo
#2 rodrigo
Please disregard the above message, as it has already been discussed in the Open Discussion/Motorized Slider back in July 22. I must be getting old :-).
I suppose to use a slider in a time lapse, it all depend on the subject and actions of the subject in the back ground and the static foreground, in other words COMPOSITION.
Miops has improved the app for their products, I can use the Slider and a Capsule (360º rotator) at the same time; does it look better in the finished product, if for example the slider travels from left to right and the capsule rotates 180º from right to left as it travels along the slider.

kind regards,

#3 Gunther
Opposite movements of Slider and rotation always are recommended.
I have a whole section in my EBook where I describe which movements and combinations make sense: https://lrtimelapse.com/ebook/
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#4 rodrigo
Thanks Gunther for your kind reply, is that article only in the latest book,or is it also on the earlier one as well?
#5 Gunther
It's in the latest book only. That is a complete rewrite with 3 times the content (480 pages).
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#6 rodrigo
Thanks Gunther, done; one thing thats not mentioned is, which is the best lens type and size of the lens, (wide angle or prime) as well as the distance to the lens of the foreground object, ie statue, rock or tree, etc etc.

kind regards

#7 Gunther
I'm pretty sure that I wrote about focal lengths in the Book also... :-) Generally, shorter focal lengths create the impression of a larger movement. 14 to 20 mm on full frame are mostly perfect for landscape timelapses from a slider.
The closer you are to your foreground, the more impressive the movement will be.
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