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Timelapse already in LR Classic

#1 olodum111
If I use the timelapse sequence already in LR Classic, will LRTimelapse change that sequence in Lightroom? If so, how do I set up a folder structure so the original timelapse is not used? Do you I duplicate a the original folder and use the duplicate? Thanks in advance for your advice!

Art Lee
#2 Gunther
Neither LRTimelapse nor Lightroom will change anything on your original images. They both work on metadata basis and will only really apply your edits to the exported images, not to the source images. That means you can always go back to the original state of the unedited images.
I'd recommend to work on the original sequences. If you want to preserve any former edits, you can use the snapshots tool in LRTimelapse which will save the metadata of a full sequence and let you restore that later.
Usually if you load a preedited sequence into LRTimelapse, it will try to preserve your edits and add the LRTimelapse initialization on top of them.

Please remember if you work with a sequence that is already in Lightroom that you can't do the "drag to Lightroom" step after the first workflow row in LRT (because it's already in Lightroom) instead you need to select all images in Lightroom then and do "Metadata / Read Metadata from files".
It's explained in the workflow instructions under https://lrtimelapse.com/workflow/visual-workflow
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