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Lightroom crashes when exporting large sequences via LRTExport Plugin

#21 Gunther
You are not the only user reporting this. I suspect an issue with the current Mac Version of Lightroom Classic.
Could you try downgrading to 11.3.1 to see if the problem is then gone?

Also I would be interested to have the LRTExport.log (it's in Documents/LRTimelapse) after you get that error message in Lightroom.
Also after that happens, check the Plugin Manager in Lightroom (it's in the Menu) - see if it shows any errors for the LRTExport plugin and if so, send me the error (sometimes it offers to export the error message as a text file).

It would also be good, if you could test the SimpleExport Plugin that I provided in the first post of this thread: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-lig...ort-plugin and see if you could reproduce the issue there. In that post I've also linked a video where I show how to test it.
This would take the (more complicated) LRTimelapse logic out of the equation and narrow it down to LrC.

Thanks for your help. I need that information to pass it directly to Adobe with whom I'm already in contact about this issue.
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#22 giberle
HI Gunther,

I know that there was/is a problem because I had it with the previous version 11.4; after reading your posts here I switched back to LRC 11.3.1.
yesterday I installed the latest LRC 11.5 which then again caused the problem.

running 11.4 I never got an error message from LRC, it just stopped exporting similar as you described.
the error message I published here in my previous post I firstly got using 11.5.

so now I have installed you simple plugin and will check what happens with this sequence.

How can I send you the log?

Best regards

#23 giberle
i have run now this sequence (690 Fotos) twice with the simple plugin ==> no problem, the simple plugin log shows all pictures performed.
Then I have run this sequence again using the normal LRTimelapse plugin ==> no problem.
the error is not really reproducible.

i will try again with the LRC 11.5 and if i run into a problem I will send you the log files.

i will also try a simple plugin export using some thousand picture this night and check what happens.



P.S.: i forgot to mention that after having had the issue with 11.4 some weeks ago, I stepped back to 11.3.1 as proposed in your posts without having then any problems. The problem restarted when I moved to 11.5.
#24 giberle
i have used now the simple plugin.
For this I have prepared a folder containing about 3000 Fotos (cannot remember the exact number because after the export I deleted the folder) with a mix of some Timelapses without any xmp files, so the RAW files have not been changed in LRC, I imported them into LRC and I run this sequence using simple plugin.

second: I have prepared another folder including the XMP files from different Timelapses (2997 fotos) with import into LRC and have exported them using simple plugin.

Both exports are fine, all JPGs are there
in the simple export log file there are some error messages all saying the same, example:
2022-08-27 23:15:51.2130000+02:00, DEBUG /Volumes/T7/Timelapse/TEST_LRC/Unbenannter Export/GI7_0837.jpg
2022-08-27 23:15:51.2130000+02:00, DEBUG Could not render: nil
2022-08-27 23:15:58.1050000+02:00, DEBUG /Volumes/T7/Timelapse/TEST_LRC/Unbenannter Export/GI7_0839.jpg

there are several entries in the log file saying "Could not render: nil" but the RAW files are in Lightroom and in the source folder and the JPGs are in the destination folder.

i do not know whether this could point on the possible problem or not.
i will send the log to Gunther for further check.

MacBook Air M1 with 16GByte and 512 GByte SSD using external SSD (Samsung T7) to store the Timelapse files

LR Classic 11.5 (everything worked fine with 11.3.1, crashed with 11.4 and now sometimes problems with 11.5)
Settings for GPU: Automatic (because this is actually discussed in the new forum subject for 11.5, sorry I did not realize that there is a new subject created)


#25 Gunther
This has helped me a lot. So I can improve the error handling in the LRTExport plugin so that error messages are better displayed during export and the whole export doesn't break.

It doesn't change the fact that Adobe needs to work on fixing this problem (so that these errors don't happen in the first place).
I've already informed adobe about this, I'll be adding what I wrote to them below.

Thanks again! I will be releasing a beta shortly with the changed LRTExport plugin.
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#26 Gunther
This is what I wrote to Adobe today:

Hi Guys,
I've got more reports from Mac users regarding that problem and I wanted to share an important insight with you.

We tested with the "SimpleExport" Plugin, that I provided in my original Bug Report. The core export happens here:

success, pathOrMessage = rendition:waitForRender()

if( success ) then
    myLogger:debug( pathOrMessage )
    myLogger:debug( "Could not render: " .. ( pathOrMessage or "nil" ) )

When the issue occurs, "pathOrMessage" returns "nil" but the image seems to get rendered nevertheless.
This seems to happen randomly after a couple of hundred images, which leads me to the assumption that there seems to be some kind of timing / synchronization problem in LrC 11.5.

Currently, when this happens, my official LRTimelapse export plugin aborts. I can change the error handling there, so that it continues, but that's not a solution to the problem because such images will be on the harddrive, but not properly handled afterwards (because of the error).

I hope this helps with your investiation.
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#27 Bas
Hi Gunther, it seems I am experiencing the same problems again, somehow, on windows. Do you have any trouble?
www.thetimewriters.com - recording the future
#28 Gunther
With which version of Lightroom are you working? Which problems exactly are you experiencing? Did you try my test with the SimpleExportPlugin as I descrbed in the video in the first post of this thread?
Please provide more information.
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#29 Bas
Hi Gunther, sorry. I should have said more.
I'm on the latest of Lightroom, and the latest of LR Timelapse.
Since this morning (after update to LR timelapse 6.2) I experienced this:

A normal single folder exports nicely, especially since I turned off the graphic card support for export in Lightroom which was making things very slow.

But with multiple folder export (in this case couple of folders with 1600 images in them) - after checking folders and checking sequences Lightroom goes in a state of 'not-responding'.
It does that after it has made all the temp folders for the export, but before exporting the first image.
After two restarts I decided to see if it would come by this 'not-responding' and after 5 or 10 minutes it began working again.
This I can reproduce every time now. It just goes in a state of not-responding for a long time

Lightroom Classic version: 11.5 [ 202208080927-8a575c91 ]
Operating system: Windows 10 - Business Edition
Version: 10.0.22000
Application architecture: x64
System architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 16
Processor speed: 3,6GHz

Graphics Processor Info:
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (
www.thetimewriters.com - recording the future
#30 Gunther
Could you please try, if this happens with Lightroom 11.3.1 also? (you can downgrade Lightroom via the Creative Cloud app).
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