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LRT 4.2 multiple simultaneous exports

#1 Zoeperkoe
I have LRT 4.2 installed on a Mac and I'm using LR 6.1.

When I export more than one sequences from LR at the same time, they all seem to stop when the first sequence finishes (so when one sequence is 100 frames and the second is 300, the latter would stop exporting when the first reaches 100 frames).

It does not give an error message or anything; it just stops. So it seems at the moment that I can only run 1 sequence at a time.
#2 Gunther
That's strange and should not happen, if the sequence folders have different names (make sure that they do!)
Try restarting Lightroom and try again, you might try with 2 short sequences to see, if you can reproduce this (I can't).

Anyway: exporting in parallel does not make that much sense in LR6 anymore like it did in former versions, because Lightroom 6 uses the processors very well when exporting, so one export thread will already maximize processor usage.
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#3 Zoeperkoe
Hi Gunther,

Thanks for the quick response.

I'll try reproducing it and let you know, but I've had it at least twice now.

The reason I would want this, is that I want to be able to process multiple sequences overnight or when I'm away and not using the computer anyway.
#4 Gunther
I understand. Normally this works flawlessly, please let me know, if you can reproduce it.
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#5 Zoeperkoe
Hi Gunther,
I've had it several times more now. Do you have any suggestions on what I could do (re-install the LRT plug-in in LR?), or things I can check to see what's going on?
#6 Gunther
I will try to reproduce it...
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#7 olihar
I have as well ran into this problem, and a lot, I gave up on exporting multiple shots as it would almost always fail.

Regarding LR6 using the processor very well is not true if you have a good processor, I have a 28 Thread Xeon processor and it will use between 20-60% of CPU power MAX.

I found LR6 only exports 4 files at a time when it is exporting many files, I wish there was a way to change that to let say 8 or 16 files at a time.
#8 Gunther
I've tested again today - exported one sequence in 4 different parts:
For this to work, for each export In Advanced Settings in LRTExport, always make sure "Skip LRTimelapse rendering" is checked.
Selected images 1-100, exported with "Initial sequence number 0".
Selected images 101-200, exported with "initial sequence number 101"
Selected images 201-300, exported with "initial sequence number 201"
Selected images 301-400, exported with "initial sequence number 301"

Check the intermediary folder while the Lightroom exports run. There should be images in each nuber-block coming in.

For me all images have been exported with correct sequence numbers into the same folder. After you have finished, in LRTimelapse you go to File/Export Video, load the LRT_ intermediary sequence with all of those images and go.

If this does not work for you, please send me the LRTExport.log from your document folder.
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#9 olihar
I think the "skip LRTimelapse rendering" might be the only solution here, as it seems to cause problems with multiple exports.
#10 Gunther
of course, if you don't check that, LRTimelapse will try to render after the first part has been completed - and "correct" the numbering, if it has gaps. So this option is mandatory if you split your sequence.
You can however omit it on the last part, but take care that the last part is a bit longer then the others then to be sure, that it finishes as the last one.
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